Rebuild Your Business After an Attack: Threat Actors Webinar

Vivian Lee

Rebuild Your Business: Webinar Summary

Airiam and MOXFIVE wrapped up the second of our Threat Actors webinar series! Art Ocain and Ben Hartwick were great hosts walking us through a ton of information on how to rebuild your business after an attack.

Systematic Approach

From incident scoping to determining if your backups are valid, making sure there is a system in place is the fastest way to rebuild your business. It all starts with incident scoping, a crucial step in understanding the extent of the breach. Then, rally the tech troops and align your teams for a coordinated kick-off, ensuring everyone is on the same page. One pivotal question to address is whether your organization has an incident response plan in place. Unfortunately, many businesses do not. Having a well-defined plan greatly streamlines the recovery process. Lastly, check if your backups are valid; they are often your lifeline in restoring critical data and systems. In summary, following these systematic steps is the fastest and most effective way to rebuild your business in the aftermath of a cyber attack.


Moving onto restoration, there are a few steps you should take to recover your business. Art and Ben break it down to the steps below:

  • Determine all assets in the environment
  • Prioritize those assets
  • Restore critical systems
  • Restore remainder of devices

Prompt Activation of Incident Response Plan

To ensure your incident response plan is enabled quickly and effectively, it’s important to review these steps with your team BEFORE anything happens. Once the activation occurs, your business should:

  • Determine specific roles for the team
  • Ensure communication timing with teams
  • Establish war room or standing cadence
  • Technical calls
  • Exec overview calls

After Restoring

Once your business has been restored, you should not stop moving.

  • Ensure tools are in place to continually protect environment
  • Start up some end user training to prevent future occurrences
  • Review the lessons learned from the initial attack and/or from the process of rebuilding
  • Focus on building your business’s resiliency for the future

Register for More Webinars

Register for our next webinars! Airiam is hosting our next series of webinars in collaboration with our partners! Each partner will help us walk through 4 key moments of a threat actor attack. Next up is “How to Prepare Your Company for Future Attacks” with ThreatLocker.

July 19, 11AM EST Live Attack Simulation Watch Here
August 29, 12PM EST How to Defend Your Company During an Attack Watch Here
September 19, 12PM EST How to Rebuild Your Company After an Attack Watch Here
October 11, 11AM EST How to Prepare Your Company for Future Attacks Register Here

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